Hidden Collections Grant Application

Oneida Community Mansion House. Photo courtesy of the Oneida Community Mansion House Museum.
The Communal Studies Association will award every other year to an established institution (historic site/library) or organized group (the group must have either a Federal ID number or a state tax ID number) up to $5.000 to preserve, through either microfilming or digital imaging, the documents of a communal group. The grant is given every two years starting in 2024. Applications are online only. Winners are encouraged to use these preserved documents in a presentation at a CSA annual conference. The collection must be a “hidden collection,” and cannot be already available digitally to the public (these funds can, however, be used to digitize already microfilmed items). The created digital images must be made available to the general public via a public website. If the grant is used for microfilming, a copy of the microfilm must be given to the Communal Studies Association upon completion of the work. The Communal Studies Association must be recognized as a funding source on the website, or on a title card on any microfilm. There is no dollar match required. If the grant is approved, the grantee receives 50% of the request upon acceptance, and the remainder upon evidence of successful completion of the work.
September 1st each year. Grantee will be notified by October 1st.